Nice to Meet You!

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Little did I know when this photo was taken in 2016 that my delightful part-time job at Amy Lynne Originals would lead me to open Twin City Floral two years later! The experience I gained on Amy's team was immensely valuable but I believe the best thing to come from that experience was the discovery of my passion for all-things-floral!

Do I have a green thumb? No.

Do I know the genus and species of every flower in NC? Nope.

Do I have an artistic flair and a love of design? Absolutely! And after working in the event industry for nearly my entire adult life, I also know how to help ensure that your day is as memorable as it should be - for the right reasons!

Thank you for visiting this page! I hope you will think of Twin City Floral the next time you need an arrangement or are planning a celebration. It would be my distinct pleasure to bring pretty petals to your intimate occasion!

(For an update on Amy Lynne's amazing flower journey, click here.)

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